Sunday, July 22, 2012

Laminating Latin and preping lapbooks

I finally finished laminating the Latin flash cards I got from currclick. I feel like I have spent all day printing, cutting, laminating, and cutting, but it is going to be worth it. She is already picking them up and seeing the relationship between a number of the Latin words and words she knows in English. I have them ready now for the trip to the family reunion, as well as the Latin roadside bingo for her to play in the car. Tomorrow I am going to have her choose the base colors and glue all the minibooks into the lapbooks for the interviews with her Grandparents at the reunion. This way she can decorate them and make them all pretty and stuff and fill them in while we are there so that they will get to see the finished product. I think all the girls may enjoy this project if we can get them telling stories. We don't have to do a lot yet before she takes her final test for Calvert 4th grade, but I think we are going to take it easy this week so that she doesn't come back to a test, having had a week at the beach. We will work on her writing assignments that go in with the test, she has a couple live classes this week with currclick, she has the lapbooks to prepare, and we need to get laundry done, get packed, and get ready for the trip. I will order her 5th grade curriculum after Labor Day--it only takes a few days to come in--and we will start 5th grade then. Hopefully, without the need to deschool, we will be able to move through the 5th grade material faster than we moved through the 1//2 year of 4th grade. To speak fairly though, it was past the half-year point of the public school when we started. Still, we moved pretty slow some days, and then there was the experiment of doing all the different subjects in blocks and then taking that portion of the test. Not going to do that again! It took forever that way, although spending a week doing only science was kind of fun. :)

If I get a chance tomorrow, I will post the curriculum we are going to be using for the year. I have to get the letter put together for the district anyhow, and I should be able to do it while she stresses about where to put the minibooks so that it looks best--because there is no way Miss Creative Perfectionist will do it the way that the instructions tell her to!

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